The Home Stretch...of Summer

A collection of handmade items; including knitting, soap making, sewing, general crafting items and works in progress.
What's a Snooter you ask? Why it's a beef or pig nose; dried and turned into a dog "chewie". They are kinda neat...for some reason, in these pics it is upside down and you can't see the nose holes very well.
Sharon sent me a lovely package just filled with all the things I love most! Sock yarn and Celtic desgines by my favorite desginer! And the yarns are just the most perfect colors and are from one of my favorite suppliers. And, would you believe that I have never purchased any of these colors yet? Dancing is one of my favorite sock yarns...but I have not used this color yet. And that Simple Stripes! Oh my...I love purple, orange and lime green together! I have a jacket that these will match perfectly! My sister totally loves Celtic I'm sure she'll pick something out of this pattern book for me to make her. Thanks so much, Sharon...I love absoultely everything! :)
I just love the color of these lilies; the evening sunlight was all around them, they were in the shade. The lighting is so perfect...and I didn't even try to do it!
Becky wanted here's pictures...not of what she wanted...but at least they are current pictures!
As some of you know, I've been looking for a job. I've been working with the Community Nurses as a Home Health Aide. The fun began on Tuesday when a local factory called for an interview. I was given a tour, their normal hire lecture and told the job was mine if I wanted it. Ahhh, yes... It's officially a part time benefits, insurance, etc...but it's 40 hours a week. It's close to home (ten minute drive), fairly nice as far as the local factories go in comparison, and not having to pay in towards hospitalization easily makes up for the no paid vacation. Bill's hospitalization is good and it works out for the best that I am not offered it at this job...otherwise Bill would be forced to drop me off his hospitalization.