Becky wanted here's pictures...not of what she wanted...but at least they are current pictures!
Oreo...sleeping in the kitchen. She's getting big...and bad! Full of energy and lots of sharp little teeth. I woke her up, got her a bedtime snack and then we went outside for a short walk.
And what should we find on the back porch? AC...looking rather annoyed at having a puppy chase her up on the railing! I swear, with some of her glaring looks, she literally thinks the puppy is a stinking filthy mutt. :) And poor know how most dogs love cat food and scarf it up before you can chase them away from it? Not Oreo...she sniffs it and you can literally see her nose curl up and you know she's thinking, "Phew, this stuff stinks!"
Down off the porch we go...and AC still doesn't look very happy from her vantage point! Don't worry, by the time I have the dog in the basement in her "kennel", AC is more than over her glaring fit...and ready to come in for her bedtime snack. She stays in the house then until Billy goes to bed...which is usually sometime around 2:30 a.m. or so (don't ask!)
Since I had the camera out, and since Becky loves flower's the cone flowers in the dark. Most of the White Swan stayed white...but four or five stalks of the plant produced powdery pink tinted blooms that gradually darkened to be the same as the other cone flowers. The flower on the far left, in the front, is from the White Swan plant...definitely pink!
Miss O...all ready for her Kennel. See that nice sheepskin pad? I went shopping last weekend...for water bed sheets and stopped at PetCo...and got a crate pad. Lord it was funny, you should have heard Bill! He *assumed* I was just getting a rubber mat or a tiny hunk of foam for her crate...and I came home with this big sheepskin "bed"! After 21 years, the man should know better!
And...some new shoes for my new job! I'm positive these are going to hurt like poor feet! I can't get over how heavy these steel toed shoes are! I always thought Bill's were heavy because he wears BOOTS...nope, these sneakers are just as heavy! feet...they are so short and the lenght of the steel toe is "standard" in all steel toed shoes...three inch toe pocket. The steel toe comes back 2/3 of the way back my foot! I literally can't bend my foot! Walking is a real hoot! I can't wait to see/feel the blisters these puppies create!
OK, Becky...did I get enough pictures for now??? I'll be sure to take my camera to the Elk County Fair on Thursday night...and get pics of the Cow Pie Bingo fundraiser that the high school marching band is doing...OK???