General James Longstreet...I found this monument by accident...Bill was looking for a bathroom. He parked in this grove of trees and I went for a walk.

Here's a close up...this is not telephoto lense use...I was actually this close to this monument. It was pretty close to life-size and that's a pretty descent sized horse he had! :)

This is a monument to one of the Virginia regiments...Bill rolled his eyes at stopping at this one. He was looking for the aformentioned bathroom when I spied a horse on top of this monument.

Here's the very top with the use of the telephoto lense and some pretty cool backlighting from the afternoon sunshine.
I believe that's General Lee on Traveller.
Love Gettysburg!
Grr....when I commented here, Blogger ate the comment here, too!!!
I love horses, and these photos are fantastic!!!
I REALLY gotta go, eh?
I thought it was Lee too. Until I read the info plaque with the monument. Here's some more info on it. http://www.virtualgettysburg.com/exhibit/monuments/pages/eq003.html
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