Oreo's Fun in the Snow

A collection of handmade items; including knitting, soap making, sewing, general crafting items and works in progress.
I was just finishing up on the computer and was putting the rocking chair back in front of the picture window when I glanced out the window to see a vehicle coming down the road, off the berm of the road, down onto our little rock wall, narrowly missing the electric pole, completely demolishing our mailbox, crossing my driveway and hitting a tree. I went to wake up Bill...hey, no way I'm dealing with a most-likely drunk idiot at 1 a.m....well, not alone anyways! :) From the bedroom window, while getting his pants on, Bill watched the guy back up and drive away. Hmmm, I'd love to be a little birdie when he sees just how much damage he did to his truck! Since the silly dog wanted out early (7 a.m is early when I'm not working)...here are some pictures of the scene!
Saturday night the kids were off to the Snowball Dance. Billy left here at 1 p.m. in the filthiest jeans he owns, a black t-shirt, holey shoes and a ripped up hoodie. I did iron a charcoal gray dress shirt and Nicole's mom bought him a lavender colored tie. So I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best! Tonight I found a memory card laying on the kitchen table; he had promised to bring me Nicole's camera card...so I popped it into the printer and lookie what I found! :)
What...well, socks for my sister from yarn she picked out back in MAY! A scarf for a girl I work with...and a whole stash of goodies just waiting on me. ;)
Technically we have only one "kitty"...but, thanks to my sister, we also have a stuffed kitty dog toy! Orrie loves her stuffed kitty...BUT...some people who live in this house