Saturday night the kids were off to the Snowball Dance. Billy left here at 1 p.m. in the filthiest jeans he owns, a black t-shirt, holey shoes and a ripped up hoodie. I did iron a charcoal gray dress shirt and Nicole's mom bought him a lavender colored tie. So I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best! Tonight I found a memory card laying on the kitchen table; he had promised to bring me Nicole's camera I popped it into the printer and lookie what I found! :)

What a cute couple...guess Billy really did have some *dress* clothes with him when he left the house! :)

My sister-in-law is a beautician and cuts my hair (Billy's too). She did Nicole's up-do for the dance. I didn't see it and soooo wanted to; she's such a pretty girl and she really dresses up well. I don't know who took this, I'm assuming my son did, but I'm glad they did...I get to see a bit more of her hairdo!

And this is the picture my son is most proud of...posing with her dad's guns! And, unbelieveably, this is the best pic of them...such smiles!
Kids are so funny....just when you think you KNOW them, they CHANGE! They really are a cute couple. It looks like you SIL really did a cool job with Nicole's pretty it looks! The gun picture...what a HOOT! You are right....they are actually SMILING! Well, perhaps NOW you know how to get Billy to SMILE! Just mount a GUN atop your camera instead of a FLASH!
ROFL! I do believe that's the first pic I've seen them both smiling in and it also has guns-go figure! lol
They both look great!
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