Goodies by Denise
A collection of handmade items; including knitting, soap making, sewing, general crafting items and works in progress.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
More Marching Band
Bet you all will be glad when Marching Band season is over, hun??? :) Here are two pics from yesterday's afternoon game. Naturally, there is one of Billy...and one of Nicole. It was sunny and about 45 degrees at the school when we loaded the buses...25 minutes into the trip it started raining...ten minutes later it was snowing...and ten minutes farther down the road there was an inch of snow! But, we drove through that snow storm...and to Port Allegheney. It was 35 degrees, windy as heck and spitting snow! Naturally we were all dressed for 45 and sunny! By the time the game was over it was a beautiful fall afternoon. Weird weather! During halftime it was still windy with occasional sunshine vs. snow if Nicole looks frozen, she probably is...and they all were holding on to the flags for all they are worth!

Saturday, October 07, 2006
RHS Homecoming Game & Dance
Oh how the kids grow! Billy will be 17 in another month...his gf of two years will be 15 in the spring. Last night was their High School Homecoming football game. It was freezing out...literally at 31 degrees...clear as a bell with a beautiful full moon. Nothing specatular; with the exception that our team won by two points and the skin of their teeth (the opposing team was on the 2 yard line with posession with 15 seconds on the clock!). Billy suffered through the cold and left Nicole wear his letter jacket all night. His new drums finally came in (they've been on backorder since July) here he is marching with his brand new Quints! BTW, he is playing his solo in the song Crazy Train in this pic. And, as usual, this wonderful, perfectly clear pic was taken be fellow band mom and reporter Gretchen. I was at the fb game...helped the kids get their uniforms and everything and never noticed until Gretchen sent me this photo that Billy's new drum carrier goes UNDERNEATH his uniform jacket! So cool to see the whole uniform! OK, so after rereading this post, maybe the night/weekend was pretty specatular! :)
Tonight is the Homecoming dance... Nicole really is beautiful when she isn't making snoots at the camera! ;) Her parents won't let her ride with Billy; so her mom took them to a later afternoon movie (Jackass2), out to dinner and to the Homecoming dance. I took them to Walmart & Eat and Park last night after the game and will be picking them up after the dance.
Billy was a little depressed because he sooooo wanted to take the Mustang to the dance...he's holding out hope for the Prom! So here they are posing with *my* car!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Just A Few More Lake Erie Pictures...
Just making you suffer through a few more pictures of our vacation. :) And besides, I don't wanna erase them from the memory card until I can get it to Walmart and make some *real* prints from them.

Monday, October 02, 2006
Lake Erie
These pictures were taken in New York State. We drove from Erie, PA to North East, PA on Route 5 and then kept going for a ways...Bill spoted a road sign that read Rippley Beach Road. Sooo, down the road we went. At the end of this narrow dirt road was a grassy parking spot. The view of the lake was specatular...these pictures do not do the view justice. Of course, I bailed out of the car and headed to the lake...only to find myself on a clif 50 feet ABOVE the beach!

OK...I'm running late...I'll post the last few pics (one of Bill) later... ;)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Lake Erie Teaser Pix
OK...couldn't help are two pictures taken of the bay in Erie, PA. For both of the pictures, I'm standing on the dock of a very cool bar/restaurant called "Rum Runners".

The tower is an observation tower...notice the cute Gull on the white post? When I started fumbling with the camera every post had a gull sitting on the top of them. We've been up in this tower several times, it's pretty cool. You can actually feel it sway in the wind...which is *not* cool!

This other picture...well, Commodore Perry's monument is out there somewhere (about dead center in the pic, on the Peninsula) but, right now, all I'm seeing is the ducks and geese on the water! LOL This is taken out towards the lake, where the tower is deep inland in the bay.
Weeds & Vacation

OK...I've offically ingored the gardens since starting to work full time. the looks of this picture, it's really starting to show! :( I guess I need to do some serious garden/landscaping work in the next week or so. BTW, this is suppose to be a blue rug juniper...apparently it got infested with thissel seeds! I didn't know thissels got this big around!
I'm just back from a mini vacation. Bill and I went to Erie, PA for our 21st anniversary. I have a few great pictures of Lake Erie I took from a private beach in New York state. Hey, we were driving around, going from winery to winery (in North East, PA) and ended up in NY...what can I say???!!! :) I'm downloading those now...and will try to post them in a day or two.
We had a blast...and only spent $50 on wine...and another $30 on locally made beer at a microbrewery. I managed to have enough patiences for Bill to stop at two different antique places....and he had patiences for me to go to the mall AND two knitting stores! :) He stayed in the car but won't admit to this part...but he took at nap at both knitting stores! We had some great food and fantastic desserts. Hmmm, I think I'm too tired to go to work tomorrow! :))