Saturday, March 31, 2007


The cat...AC...being a cat! What more can I say? She's part "dollbaby" and part "devilcat" all wrapped up into a very tightly-wound cat-shaped ball! She was being too nosey Tuesday night and got her tail shut in my car door. We all were very car door doesn't close correctly, it only latches and you have to lean on it to get it shut. She probably had a sore tail, but it wasn't broken or injured.

And...Oreo...taking a nap with her newest toy! When I went to visit with my sister three weeks ago...we found this very cool Snake at one of the chain pet stores. It has a squeaker in it's head and three squeakers in it's tail. Silly dog uses it as a neck pillow! You can also see in this well she stays on her rug! LOL Yup, that's it under her back feet!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


...and about damn time! :) It was so nice yesterday morning...I took Oreo for a walk. She ran around the back yard like a barrel-racing horse. She literally thundered past, spraying water and mud everywhere! A little while later, after she was calmed down (aka, tuckered out), we went out in the front yard and took pictures of *my* signs of spring!

1st attempt...Oreo is going, "What in the world is Mommy looking for?"

"Hmmm, I'll just sit here and wait for her to find it. I think she's lost her head this time!"

More of my spring early daffs actually have buds on them. Honestly I do not know how they did this in two days of no snow cover. Apparently they were growing under nearly a foot of snow! And on the right, here's some weird tulips I planted in November...and it looks like a big white crocus bud. As you can see, I never got around to leaf raking last fall. We had some terrible fall weather...I think it was fall-like for only three days...the rest of the time it was a cold rain. Anyway, looks like the bulbs survived!

Friday, March 23, 2007

New Bird at the Feeders

Here's a new addition to the bird feeders. Any idea what it is? It sits on our back porch, eats sunflower seeds, cracked corn, whole kernel corn and driveway dirt. It does fly, but prefers to run behind a tree and then it keeps the tree between you and it. BTW, the snow is gone now...THANK GOD!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Dessert

March is *not* my month! Look what I did to the wonderful Bittersweet Chocolate Bundt Cake I made last night! I went to flip the cake out onto the plate and my hand went numb (the one with the dislocated thumb) and the plate slipped, so did the ended up on top of the stove in crumbs! OK, mini fit...deep breath...scoop, plop, scoop, plop...deep breath...think..."what the hell, it's still eatable" Then I made the glaze! This is now officially Sunday Supper Dessert! Is it April yet???

If you are interested in the recipe, it's here:

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Honey-Mutt & Oreo-Dog

The pooches...posing for the camera. Oreo is "waiting for daddy" to come home from work and Honey has just finished drinking her fresh water. These were taken one after another...and yes, the dogs are looking at each other. With the shadow on her face, I think Honey looks more like a coyote than a dog. She just has that *look* about her.

What I've been up to...

Goodness, it's been a while, hasn't it? I believe the last post was Feb. 22 or so. Hmmm, what have I been up to since then? Lots of overtime at work, as usual. My last pay check had 32 hours of overtime on it for two weeks; the one before that 36 hours. This week has been pretty slow compared to those two...only 12 hours for this next upcoming pay check. It's just that I can't seem to get caught up!

I did have last weekend off work...and spent the ENTIRE weekend at my sister's house near Harrisburg. We did lots of shopping and visiting and eating. They took me to a very cool place for supper; The Appalachian Brewing Company. I had a very delicious crab cake dinner...and some *interesting* beer! Ahhh, better explain that...I don't like the dark full-bodied beers. And, that's almost what I got! Luckily, Brandon ordered my beer. They were out of the one he thought I would he got me the next "lightest" beer. It was drinkable, but not really what I like. The food was GREAT! I also bought a t-shirt and a 6 pack of their root beer to bring back home. Billy loves root beer, so that was for him!

We are still under much snow cover. Even BEFORE this last storm (yesterday) we still had a good foot on the ground. Well, in most places around the yard, we did have a few bare spots. Well, we got another foot yesterday! I'm so tired of shoveling snow and such! My sister got the same amount as we did yesterday...but look what WAS growing in her yard and are now hiding under her newly fallen snow...

Me...well, I'm still a little stiff and sore. Thursday night I managed a not so graceful swan-dive off the proch. Not down the steps like a normal person, but off the side, straight down to the ground, about six feet. I did manage to twist and tuck-and-roll so as not to land on outstretched arms. Me was playing with Oreo and she made one last circle on the porch, hit my legs and buckled my knees...and off I went! I probably should have called off work on Friday, but I sucked it up and went in. I did go in a few minutes early to talk to my foreman. By the time I was finished telling him that the blankety-blank dog knocked me off the porch and then stood on top of me pulling my hair and stole my crocs right off my feet, he was laughing is butt off! He gave me an easy job...and promised me the same for overtime today, so I worked.

And this is what Billy has been up to...
Poor kid, wrecked his car on the 6th of March, on his way home from work at midnight. It's totaled, he was unhurt, scared as hell and mad as a wet hen that he hurt his "baby". He managed to hit an ankle deep pothole, over corrected and slid off the edge of the road; yes it was snowing and the road was totally covered. The tire got sucked into the deep snow bank and pulled the car into a pole. The pole snapped off and took the entire wheel assembly off the axle. You can see what's left of the axle sitting on the wood block under the car. My batteries were dying, so I didn't get a several good pics of the car, only this one. The fender was crumpled in the front, it was hanging so badly, Bill and the tow-truck driver took it off before bringing the car home. And yes, that's Oreo in the background.

He's been car shopping...found a '96 Beretta (sp) that needs some work; mostly putty and paint. So, that's going to be his newest project...he's just waiting on his next paycheck to buy the car! Then the following TWO paychecks to buy the paint and other supplies he needs. Bill, well, he's patiently waiting to help the kid fix the car!

I'm craving I have a bittersweet chocolate bundt cake in the oven. It's just about ready to come I'm off to make the glaze. Here's hoping the next few weeks are much easier than the past few!