Thursday, February 22, 2007

Got Bones?

Here's Oreo and Sport with their Sunday bones. Every week we take Oreo down to my parent's house for Sunday Supper. Every Sunday my dad buys them both a brand new smoked marrow bone. The first month or so it was a riot, both dogs growling, jumping, taking each other's bones...a real three-ring circus! Now, they are content to lay together and eat their bones. Every now and they the *trade* bones...and occasionally Sport jumps up and flies into Oreo; but for the most part they get along well. The big difference is that sport is 4 months old and Oreo is 10 months old...Sport is still learning!


At 2/25/2007 09:21:00 PM, Blogger Katya said...

Oh Denise! Little Sport is getting BIG! His head looks nearly as big as Oreo's! I love giving my boys a bone to chew on, too. I buy raw bones...usually "soup" bones, and sometimes oxtails. They love tearing the little bits of flesh off and it really cleans their teeth!

At 2/27/2007 05:46:00 AM, Blogger Becky said...

They look so cute together!
I can't believe how close in size they look too Kae!


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