Goodies by Denise
A collection of handmade items; including knitting, soap making, sewing, general crafting items and works in progress.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Yarn Balls of all sizes!

Phew...I sure hope they are close enough in size to do the basket without much splicing. The purple was my first attempt. Got much better with the pink. For that one, I started the first ball from the inside of the skein, pulling it out and rolling it into a ball. When I thought I was half done, I started another ball and pulled it off the outside of the skien and kept compairing the sizes of the two balls. That method seemed to work better for me!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
First Day of Spring

Well, you certainally couldn't tell by the weather OR the temperature! Today's high...34 degrees! And with yesterday's snow...well, it was down right UNspring like! Most of the snow did manage to melt I ventured out to see the spring flowers... And these pictures are what I found. I think they need some more sunshine and a lot more warm weather! The poor robins...our ground is still frozen, except for driveways and berms of the roads. The other spring birds are back in full force...eating feeder after feeder full of seeds.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
My New Bathroom...

Felted Baskets for Easter

As you know, I made a Nuntasket basket for my SIL's birthday. Well, *someone* had a bright idea to make them for everyone for's the second one...only four more to go. And the rest use much more Easter-like colors! This one is for my sister...and she has a very boring color scheme. I'm using Knitpicks Wool of the Andes, so there are lots of pretty color choices. So far my favorite combo is Violet and Hyacinth...although the Cherry Blossom is lucious looking!
Weekend Getaway Scatchel

Well, I've been working and procrastinating on th is project. I knitted it up quickly and felted it quickly...then became overpowered by the thought of trimming it and intimitated by sewing it together. off to a friend's house for breakfast AND a healthy dose of moral support. Five hours later (and after much BSing) I have it sewen together. I still have to sew in the frame and do the straps...but I need buckles and that means a trip to Pittsburgh or another internet order! :)
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Nantasket Basket update

Knitting is finished, felting is finished...just drying it out. Unfelted version on the bottom, felted is on the top. This is a birthday present for my sil. But I like them so much, I think everyone is getting them for Easter! Lord knows I have enough wool stash to make them! :) I did have some problems when binding off the handle, it just didn't join smoothly. I took a close-up pic of that, I'm going to try hand felting that join today in the sink. Hoepfully it will felt better and I can trim off some of the bulk. Right now you can still see a lot of the stitch definition...and I'm afraid it'll unravel if I trim it. Today I'm making tons of bath stuff for my craft show in two weeks. I just ran out of buttermilk we're going to the store, as soon as the babysitting kid's show is over. Never a dull moment in this house! :)
Friday, March 03, 2006
New projects for March

The blue one is the Nantasket basket pattern from is for my sister-in-laws birthday at the end of the momth. And the purple thing is the back of a vest...for a friend's May brithday. There just is something about *needing* to have more than one project going at once...or is it just me???