Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Gardens...fowers and veggies

Ahhh, how pretty... I can't believe how quickly these opened up since Saturday morning! Coneflowers are my favorite.

This is a White Swan Coneflower... I wonder what's up with it...notice the purple-pink on the petals. Can they revert back to the purple variety???

Another one of my favorites, Clematis. We planted these the year after we got married...so that makes this plant 20 years old!

Baby Zucchini...couple more days and it'll be frying time!

Baby Crooknecks...actually I think these are going to be supper tonight! That will make them the very first thing we've picked to eat in the garden this year!


At 7/18/2006 04:53:00 PM, Blogger Becky said...

Oooooooooooooooooh, you know how much I love garden pics, lol
Wonderful clematis, 20 years is a long time to have such a great plant!
my white swan did the same thing, :(
My zucchini have seemed to come to a standby mode....doesn't seem to be producing oodles which is what I wanted dang-it!
Mmmmmmm......squash, yummy!


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